I created this blog to help educators discover and use a variety of digital technologies for teaching and learning. I have a focus on tools that are free (we all have a budget), or paid tools that you HAVE to have.
A little of my history.
I am currently a lecturer in the Faculty of Education in the early childhood, primary and secondary areas. Previous to this I was a Pre-School Teacher for 7 years, a Primary School Teacher for 11 years. I am passionate about teaching with digital technologies and also teaching our students to be 21st-century learners.
I have always loved digital technologies and have used it extensively in my classroom across EC, primary, and tertiary contexts. I have a specific focus on ways that digital technologies can be used to scaffold and develop literacy and English skills across the curriculum.
Please comment on posts I am interested in hearing your thoughts!!!! I would love to create a community where we could all share our ideas and thoughts.
Doctor of Philosophy (currently completing) Thesis: looking at how medium (digital and paper) influences teaching and learning.
Master of Education: Thesis Integrating Mobile Technology: iPads for oral language development.
Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood)
Bachelor of Education (Primary)
Diploma of Teaching
Research Interests:
Reading mediums ( digital and paper), Picture Books, iPads in education, mobile technology, multimodal texts, teacher education, literacy and English education, 21st-century education.
Book Chapter (in press), McLeod, Carabott & Lang (2017), Teaching with digital technologies, in Learning to Teach in the New Era, Cambridge
Carabott, K, Henwood, J (2014), Creating innovative learning environments with digital technology; The Botanic Gardener : The magazine for botanic garden professionals (39) p 22-25 http://www.bganz.org.au
Conference Presentations:
Australian Teacher Educators Association (ATEA), National Conference Ballarat 2016, Carabott, K, McLeod, A, Synergies in a third space: Digital literacy classes taught by both professional and academic staff
Asian Conference on Technology in Classrooms (ACTC) Japan 2016, Carabott, K & McLeod, A, Creating Tech Savvy Teachers – Increasing pre-service teachers digital self-efficacy.
Australian Teacher Educators Association (ATEA), National Conference Darwin 2015, Carabott, K, McLeod, A, Lofhelem, K, Schultz, Creating Tech-Savvy Teachers
Museum Australia Education NSW (Sydney) Switch On, Plug In, Power Up: using digital resources for authentic learning.
Australian Literacy Education Association (ALEA), Statewide Conference, Melbourne, September 2013, Carabott, K: iPads and their implications for speaking and listening in the classroom.
Australian Literacy Education Association (ALEA), National Conference, Brisbane, July 2013, Carabott,K: I-Pads supporting oral language development: The Benefits and the Disadvantages.
Australian Teacher Educators Association (ATEA), National Conference, Adelaide July 2012, White,S, Goff,W, Carabott,K, Davies,K: Reshaping teacher education curriculum to provide better futures for all students.
Australian Teacher Educators Association (ATEA), National Conference, Adelaide July 2012, Carabott,K, Goff,W: Building teacher capacity through sustainable work embedded professional development.
Research in Educational Issues Network (REIN), Gippsland 2011, Carabott,K, Goff,W, Osbourne, M, Curwood,K: Partnerships for Learning.
DEECD Early years Awards 2013: Shortlisted to top five.
Monash University: Golden Apple Nomination 2013
Monash University: Commendation for Vice Chancellors Social inclusion Award 2013
Monash University: Deans Learning and Teaching Award 2012: Citation for Outstanding Contribution to Student Learning 2012
Monash University: Nominated for Vice Chancellors Learning and Teaching Award 2012
Professional Affiliations:
Victorian Institute of Teaching (VIT)
Digital Learning and Teaching Victoria (ICTEV)
Australian Literacy Educators Association (ALEA)
Primary Educators Australia Association (PETAA)
Units I have Taught:
Learning at the heart of teaching
Early Years Literacy
School, Family and Community Partnerships
ICT in Education
Developing Classroom Relationships
Integrating the Curriculum
Learning and Educational Inquiry
English (P-10)
Theory and Practice of Teaching (Primary and Secondary)
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